Webcam Foscam
- Introduction
- Network settings
- Camera settings
- Sharpness adjustment
- Firmware upgrade
- Internet access
- Multi-cameras settings
- Safety
- Other brand
I set up many ipcam (brand Foscam) to keep watch on a house:
• Mobile 12 leds FI8908W ( f = 3,6 mm )
• Mobile 12 leds FI8918W ( f = 3,6 mm )
• Fixed 60 leds FI8905W ( f = 6 mm )
• Fixed 24 leds FI8904W ( f = 3,6 mm )
When you choose a fixed camera, you have to choose the good focal distance of the lens according to the zone to watch on.
Foscam says :
And more you have leds, better 'll be nightvision, but depending on focal distance.
An other parameter you could tend to forget : distance between camera and internet box.
For instance :
• distance 8m → signal -70dB
• distance 5m50 → signal -61 dB
• distance 5m → signal -49 dB
You got them when accessing internet box by once cameras in position.
( State → Local network )
In detailed statistics, you could see the color of powered signal.
Here, 8m , 5m50 gave orange color ; 5m green color.
A 9m distance gives a signal -80 dB (red color) so you could loss the signal very often.
Given the fact that -6dB divides amplitude signal by 2, you have to choose a good position.
To mention : attenuation = 20 log(U / U°) → where U = U°/2 →
attenuation = 20 log(1/2) = -20 log2 = -20 x 0,30103 ~ -6dB
In any way, waves have to come through one wall at least.
I'm gonna describe network settings using an Internet box from SFR (9box).
Network setting
I'm gonna give the method when IP Camera Tool doesn't worked.
( C:\Windows\System32\IPCamera.exe )
I met with this case once.
- Read on camera label the MAC address Ethernet Network and MAC wifi address.
- Plug in the 5V supply camera.
- Plug a network cable to the Internet box at RJ45 PC1.
Ckecked out 2 leds (must be lit).
- On a netbook connected to wifi network, open a browser and get to
- Once login completed, click Network, then read the devices connected.
You 'd see the IP Ethernet address from you camera with its MAC address displayed.
Write it on a paper.
While you are at it, set up the Wifi parameters of the camera and its external internet access.
To do that, get to Network → DNS.
To avoid any conflict in the future with another device, give a static IP address to your camera.
In Static addresses, you 'd see 192 168 1 and an empty field
Enter 10 to get, then enter the MAC address wifi of the camera.
(not the MAC Ethernet address !) Click (+) to save.
Right now get to Network → NAT.
In Ports Translation, enter the following settings :
Name : foscam1 (for instance)
Protocol : The 2
Type : Port
External Port : 8080
Destination IP address:
Destination port : 8080
Click (+) to save.
You'll see further the NAT interest.
Camera settings
Network cable being always plugged in, open a browser and enter the IP Ethernet adress you wrote previously.
At first, no password for admin : don't forget this.
With Internet Explorer, an ActiveX control is used (only Windows 32bits). ServeurPush are used by other browsers.
Depending on the release, you'll click either Device Management or Gestion devices.
- Alias : enter cam1 for instance.
- Date & Time : enter your time zone.
- User : enter admin password.
- Basic network : Same parameters as in previous section.
- Wifi : Enter SSID wifi network and other parameters
( see Wifi tab in )
Enter wifi password.
Network type is Infrastructure (not Ad-hoc).
Leave other parameters unchanged, except alarm and mail if you wish.
- Close brower.
- Unplugged the network cable from the 2 devices.
Your Wifi has been setting up.
Henceforth, you'll get a LOCAL access to the camera with a browser and url (a login dialogbox 'll be displayed).
Sharpness adjustment
If the image is blurry, you need to fix it up. To do that :
- Unscrew the front window.
- Using a small magnetic cruciform screwdriver, remove the 3 screws that hold the leds holder.
- Slightly loosen the small screw on the lens holder.
- Push on the small black lever towards ∞.
- Reassemble.
Firmware upgrade
When accessing the camera using a browser, you'll find out firmware version and Web interface version. Wrote them on a paper.
Get to Casabill.
In tab Firmwares, then Updates, seek for FosCam.
Download if needed.
IMPERATIVELY open Readme.txt to see if you can upgrade.
For instance, you could read :
Please confirm the model number and firmware version before upgrading.
11.15.2.xx cannot upgrade to this version;
11.25.2.xx cannot upgrade to this version;
11.35.2.xx can upgrade.
System firmware version:
Web UI version:
In this exemple, firmware could be upgraded.
It'd be advised to upgrade before fixing the camera in place.
So, plug in the network cable to the 2 devices, open a browser and URL
In Devices management, click firmware upgrade.
- Begins with firmware , select the bin file in System Firmware directory.
Click Send. Please, wait until camera has done a full reboot.
- Follow with interface web upgrade , select bin file in Web UI directory.
Click Send. Please, wait until camera has done a full reboot.
Unplug network cable, switch off camera electrical supply, then install the camera in final position.
Internet access
Ok, you finished installing the camera, check out the running with a browser at
You'll see an image. (External mode if camera is outside)
- You need to register to get a dynamic account by DynDNS.
( I prefer No-Ip more reliable )
Subscribe to a free account or a prepaid one .
(the free DynDns account 'll be off as DynDns wants and you'll have to reactivate it)
Suppose you chose xyzt naming your account
- Open a browser, then
In network → DynDNS, click radiobutton DynDNS activation.
Select in Service.
Enter username and password.
Remark :
My internet box gave : dyndns,,,,, in a combobox.
If you didn't get a account, don't be surprised to still read dyndns, after validating another account.
In fact, dyndns is the first item in the combobox
- Restart the internet box to get changes activated.
(To do each time your account has been off and reactivated)
Thanks to NAT, you'll access to your camera from outside (not from your domestic network !) with url in a browser.
But if your access spot blocks, you'll need a proxy.
Hera are some :
or see this list.
Be aware of safety !
Multi-cameras settings
Suppose 3 cameras have been setting up :
cam1 → → port 8080
cam2 → → port 8081
cam3 → → port 8082
LOCAL access : , ,
OUTSIDE access : , ,
You need to set up the multi-cameras settings.
At home, open Internet Explorer (only this browser 'll fit ).
In Devices management, click Multi-Camera setting.
Camera 1 : « This Device ».
Click Camera 2 , enter :
Alias : cam2
Domain :
Port : 8081
username and password.
Click Add.
Proceed for Camera 3. (Port : 8082)
You'd see now :
Camera 1 : this device.
Camera 2 : cam2(
Camera 3 : cam3(
From your home, for camera1 you'll get
Orange color : wrong setting. ( don't be afraid, it's normal for camera 2 and camera 3)
The 3 leds 'll be Green only when accessing cameras from OUTSIDE.
Read this hack
A Google tool was used : binwalk, then the unprotected cameras have been found out with Shodan search engine.
Don't put any camera in your bathroom or your bedroom except if you wish to publish real TV ! LOL.
About Foscam I found out :
FOSCAM IP-Cameras Improper Access Restrictions.
Wireless Camera Flaws Allow Remote Exploitation.
Les caméras IP Foscam sont peu sécurisées.
In this website, get a pdf file about unsecured FI8910W Foscam camera.
I have built a pdf file reporting a detailed exploit of a WIFICAM. Very interesting.
Other brand
I tried out and buyed Sricam cameras, especially models SP007 et SP013.
Very easy to set them up, good image resolution and a micro sdcard can be plugged.
An android application allows watching and records programming using a smartphone.
I can't say any word about safety.