Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5



Autoroot process

In january 2015,I have bought this tablet and I got frustrated with restricting rights over microSDcard
So I decided to be a Super-User ( not Superman ! )

I 'm gonna describe the autoroot method, being given that O.S. is Android KitKat.
If you follow the process described hereafter, it 'd be quite fine.

Warning :
- Driver USB samsung must have been set up onto your computer.
- Battery is 100% full up

Process :
1 - Download Odin v3.09 
    Unzip in a directory on your computer.

2 - Download CF_AutoRoot_Port_T800_BeansTown106.tar.md5 
    Unzip in the same directory.

3 - On your computer, run Odin as Admin.

4 - Now, you need to start up your tablet in Download mode.
For that, hit and maintain hit Power + Volume Low + Home as shown.

samsung galay tab S 10.5

5 - Then hit Volume up. You 'd see the follwing on screen tablet :

root samsung galay tab S 10.5

root samsung galay tab S 10.5

6 - Usin an USB cable, plug the tablet to the computer.
In Odin, the field under ID:COM must be filled in blue when tablet granted by computer. Watch out :

Odin 3.09

7 - Click AP. Select CF_AutoRoot_Port_T800_BeansTown106.tar.md5
Be careful ! Only Auto Reboot et F.Reset time toggled !
    Click Start. Let's go and wait until finished up.
See what happens in Message zone.

8 - Tablet automatically reboots. Then you may unplug the tablet.

9 -You can now check out whether the tablet has been rooted running a software which needs superuser rights.
    For instance, Titanium backup.

Work out non official status after root

After rooting, the device status becomes non official and a message 'd display, asking to reboot.
You need to proceed as following :
- Open ES Explorer in root mode or Root Explorer.
- Search directory /data/data , rename com.sec.knox.seandroid or delete it.
- Do the same for
- Search directory /system/app/ , rename or delete :
    KNOXAgent.apk, KNOXAgent.odex, KNOXStore.apk, KNOXStore.odex.
- Reboot.

Disable Knox after root

(complete the previous column)

Despite root, SuperSU and Triangle Away could come across some issue. Knox is the culpit.
Many ways to disable it :

1 - Using Terminal emulator.
     Run it.
     Give it root access.
     In command line, enter : su pm disable com.sec.knox.seandroid

2 - using Titanium Backup.
     Run it.
     Give it root access.
     Freeze the following :
     KLMS Agent
     Knox Notification Manager
     KNOX Store

3 - using official way, running Knox then uninstall it. (Parameters)

Usefool tools for superuser

As soon as I'll find out some useful tools (from my point of view), this part 'll be completed.
Besides essential applications as Clean master and Battery Doctor, there are :

Titanium backup : Backup, restore, freeze (with Pro) your apps + data + Market links.
This includes all protected apps & system apps, plus external data on your SD card.
You can do 0-click batch & scheduled backups. Backups will operate without closing any apps (with Pro).⇒ 
You can move any app (or app data) to/from the SD card.

System App remover : uninstall system and user apps.

Total Commander : very powerful file explorer with ftp (I use it on Windows system as well).

SuperSU : allows for advanced management of Superuser access rights for all the apps on your device that need root.

Terminal Emulator : access your Android's built-in Linux command line shell.

Link2SD : allow moving applications to the SD card, to clean all cache files of the apps.
Format with SDFormatter on Windows (ou EaseUS partition master) to get an « ext » partition read by Android

Root firewall : locks ads, save battery, protects privacy.

Adblock Plus : will filter all web traffic out of the box.

Root Explorer : Files manager with easy changing permissions.

Triangle away : reset flash counter.

Adbd Insecure : let you run adbd in root mode if your device is rooted.

Xposed : framework for modules that can change the behavior of the system and apps without touching any APKs.
Xposed installer : installer for the Xposed framework, which is a requirement for all modules.
Let me point out 2 interesting ones :
→ Xprivacy : prevents applications from leaking privacy sensitive data.
→ Handleexternalstorage : Enables R/W access to the external storage for all apps.

Here is a french link which lists 15 modules very useful : frandroid

SDfix : Android 4.4 KitKat removes your ability to write files to the MicroSD card. SDfix restores it.

Snoopsnitch : collects and analyzes mobile radio data and warn you about threats. (requires Qualcomm chipset)

NoMachine : connect to any NoMachine-enabled computer.

Applications running on Galaxy S5 and on tab S :

 • S-Note : 

 • S-translator : 

 • Calculator : 

After install, updating automatically 'll run.

 • Office Suite Premium : 
View, create and edit complex office and attachments all from a familiar desktop-style interface.
Full compatibility with Microsoft formats including DOC, DOCX, DOCM, XLS, XLSX, XLSM, PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX, PPTM, PPSM.
Support for PDF files including PDF camera scanning and Export to PDF.

Unlock external SD Card permissions on KitKat

You can do it using SDfix or editing a file in the following way :
- Open ES file explorer, activate Explorer root (bottom left).
- Tap Explorer root again. Tap Mount R/W.
- Toggle RW for /system and /mnt/media_rw/extSdCard.
- Search platform.xml in /system/etc/permissions/ directory.
- Edit it using ES editor.
- Go to line <permission name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" >
- Add line <group gid="media_rw" /> before </permission>
- Save.
- Reboot.

Improve WiFi & 4G speed

- Open ES file explorer, activate Explorer root (bottom left).
- Tap Explorer root again. Tap Mount R/W.
- Toggle RW for /system and /mnt/media_rw/extSdCard.
- Search build.prop in /system/ directory.
- Edit it using ES editor.
- Add at the end the following lines :


- Save.
- Warning : check out rights 644 ( rw-r-r ) of buid.prop now.
      Root Explorer is very helpful to do this.
      Run it, toggle build.prop, tap menu (3 points at top right),
      tap Autorisations. Check out.

root explorer chmod

- Reboot.


 • Getting the whole device informations
Available for any Samsung device.
To get all informations (general, CSC, firmware, OS, hardware, history), use Phone info.
Keep them preciously, especially if you want to unroot your device.
To get the good stock rom, you 'll need CSC firmware code and product code.
Let's take an example. Phone info gives for a Samsung Galaxy S4
→ CSC country : GB → CSC code : BTU → Product Code : GT-I9505ZKABTU → Bootloader version : I9505XXUGNG8
In a download website, you'll get :
Samsung Galaxy S4 Snapdragon GT-I9505 BTU United kingdom 4.4.2 KitKat I9505XXUGNG8
     Device Name : Samsung Galaxy S4 Snapdragon GT-I9505
     Device Model : GT-I9505
     Date Update : 2014-07-23
     Region Code : BTU
     Region Country : United kingdom
     Firmware Version : I9505XXUGNG8
     OS Name : KitKat
     OS Version : 4.4.2
     Change List : 2309103

 • Screenshot :
You can't use hitting buttons Power+Home, if in Settings → Device → Motions and Gestures
option Palm Swipe to Capture is ON. Download a Screenshot app more useful to edit, send, ...

 • Pictures :
To easily take a picture with a voice command (on) :
- Click icon Camera.
- Click bottom left icon ( = Settings ).
- Scroll down to see Voice control.
- Set it on.
Now you can take a picture asking for it.

 • Remove pre-installed application :
Suppose you want to remove Hancom suite (many apps) because you prefer Office Suite, here is the right way to proceed :
- Get to Settings → Application Manager.
- Select the first Hancom app in list.
- Click Uninstall updates, then OK.
- Click Uninstall.
- Click now Turn off, then OK.
Proceed in the same way for other Hancom applications.

 • Switch off a frozen tablet :
Your tablet is frozen and you are unable to put it off, here is the issue :
- Plug it to a computer with an USB cable.
- Hit together Home+Volume Down+Power ( as to get into Download mode).
- Keep the 3 buttons down. As soon as the screen gets black, release the buttons.
- The battery charger icon should appear.
- Unplug the usb cable.

 • Android development
Here is a link : Step-by-step guide to Android development with Eclipse.

 • Android vulnerability
The vulnerability can be used by attackers to potentially distribute malware, compromise devices, and steal user data.
Play Store from Google is safe. If you install applications using apk files, this concerns your device.
A free application detects if your device is vulnerable to this serious exploit, allowing you to take steps to protect your sensitive data. See Installer Hijacking Scanner.

 • Avoid random boots after root
You can fix up the issue under KitKat O.S. using an Xposed module.
Download and install the module Samsung Kitkat SystemServer Crash Fix
This is not a battery issue.

 • Turn off Knox
- Go to Home screen, touch Apps (checkered icon).
- Touch Menu (top right icon).
- Select Uninstall/disable apps
- Touch Knox icon, then OK.

 • How to play 4k video
- Download MX Player.
- Download codecs or get here
- Move the unzipped file to Download directory in tablet.
- Run MX Player. He ought to detect this codec.
- In Settings , choose Decoder then Custom Codec. Select


Service manual


What to do if tablet doesn't switch on. (French)

Battery replacement.

Replacing the Charger Port.

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