Instructions Mercedes SLK



Mercedes SLK R172 pack AMG



These instructions in French come from repair Manual Mercedes for the roadster R172 type. They could concern other engines as well.
I could possibly complete the list if needed.
Note :
- Some people ask for information but, once they get it, they no longer give feedback. So I won't answer.
- Other people upload the pdf files into their website or facebook group and divert traffic rather than linking to this page. If this persists I will remove this page.

Technical Infos

 • Moteur OM 651 (documentation technique Mercedes)                Mercedes moteur OM651
 • Moteur OM 651 (document technique de synthèse)                Mercedes moteur OM651
Boîte automatique 9G-tronic (document technique de synthèse)                Mercedes boite 9g-tronic
 • Boîte automatique 9G-tronic (details and troubleshootings)                Mercedes boite 9g-tronic
Mercedes rapports boite 9g-tronic
 • Carrosserie                                                           Mercedes SLK
 • Système de recyclage des gaz d'échappement BlueTEC


 • Adblue
 • Appeler le niveau atelier dans le combiné d'instruments
 • Bloquer le véhicule sur le pont élévateur
 • Ouvrir le capot moteur, le mettre à la verticale, le fermer
 • Contrôler l'épaisseur de la garniture de frein
 • Contrôler l'étanchéité du système de freinage avec un contrôleur de pression
 • Contrôler l'état des disques de frein
 • Contrôler le fonctionnement du correcteur de site des projecteurs
 • Contrôler le réglage des projecteurs, les régler
 • Contrôler, régler les feux antibrouillard
 • Dépose, pose du transmetteur de pression différentielle (DPF)
 • Déposer, poser l'allume-cigare
 • Déposer, poser l'habillage inférieur du compartiment moteur
 • Déposer, poser l'ensemble catalyseur - FAP
 • Déposer, poser le boîtier de filtre à air
 • Déposer, poser le capteur de température du FAP
 • Déposer, poser le catalyseur
 • Déposer, poser le collecteur d'échappement
 • Déposer, poser le conduit d'admission d'air au moteur après filtre à air
 • Déposer, poser le contacteur mécanique de feux stop
 • Déposer, poser le disque de frein
 • Déposer, poser le pare-chocs avant
 • Déposer, poser le refroidisseur d'huile de boîte de vitesses automatique
 • Déposer, poser le turbocompresseur
 • Déposer, poser les composants du système d'échappement
 • Déposer, poser les parties inférieures du carénage insonorisant
 • Effectuer un contrôle Cabrio, un contrôle roadster
 • Fermer mécaniquement toit escamotable
 • Graisses lubrifiantes
 • Huiles moteur multigrades (spécification 229.51)
 • Huiles moteur multigrades Low SPAsh (spécification 229.51)
 • Jeux d'ajustement au niveau du capot moteur, des portes et des couvercles
 • Localiser les bruits au niveau des freins
 • Maintien de la tension du réseau de bord lors de travaux de contrôle et de diagnostic
 • Déblocage en secours du frein électrique de stationnement
 • Plaquettes frein AR
 • Plaquettes de frein AR amenées en position de montage
 • Plaquettes frein AV (support étrier de frein non partagé)
 • Plaquettes frein AV (support étrier de frein partagé)
 • Purger filtre carburant
 • Purger le système de freinage
 • Remplacer filtre carburant
 • Remplacer la cartouche du filtre à air
 • Rincer la boîte de vitesses automatique et le convertisseur
 • Soulever le véhicule, le mettre sur chandelles
 • Vérifier, rectifier le niveau d'huile de l'unité hydraulique Toit
 • Vidange huile moteur remplacement filtre
 • Remettre à 0 l'indicateur de maintenance
 • Relever les données de maintenance sur le combiné d'instruments et remettre à 0 l'indicateur
 • Schéma de serrage du collecteur d'échappement

 • Roof :

 • Electricity and Lighting :

Tightening torques

 • Liste des Motors
 • Volant, plateau d'entraînement, damper, couronne dentée de démarreur
 • Bielles
 • Vilebrequins
 • Arbres d'équilibrage
 • Équilibrage Lanchester

Approved rims

Notation : diameter(") x width(") offset(mm) front rear

16x7 37.5 205/55R16 Mercedes-Benz
16x7 38 205/55R16 Mercedes-Benz
16x7 38 205/55R16 16x7.5 45.5 225/50R16 Mercedes-Benz
16x7 37.5 205/55R16 16x8 33.5 225/50R16 Mercedes-Benz

17x7.5 42 225/45R17 Mercedes-Benz
17x7.5 42 225/45R17 17x8.5 36 245/40R17 Mercedes-Benz
17x8.5 35 225/45R17

18x7.5 42 225/40R18 Mercedes-Benz/AMG
18x7.5 42 225/40R18 18x8.5 36 245/35R18 Mercedes-Benz/AMG
18x7.5 42 225/40R18 18x8.5 36 225/40R18 AMG
18x7.5 42 225/40R18 18x8.5 36 245/35R18 AMG
18x8.5 35 225/40R18 Brabus
18x8.5 35 225/40R18 18x8.5 30 245/35R18 Brabus
18x8.5 35 235/40R18 18x9.5 35 255.35R18 Brabus
18x8.5 35 225/40R18
18x8.5 35 225/40R18 18x8.5 35 245/35R18 Brabus
18x8.5 35 225/40R18 18x8.5 35 255/35R18 Brabus
18x8.5 30 225/40R18 18x8.5 30 225/40R18 Brabus
18x8.5 30 225/40R18 18x8.5 30 245/35R18 Brabus
18x8.5 34 235/40R18 18x9.5 40 255/35R18 Brabus
18x8.5 34 235/40R18 18x9.5 40 265/35R18 Brabus
18x8.5 34 225/40R18 18x8.5 30 225/40R18 Brabus
18x8.5 34 225/40R18 18x8.5 30 245/35R18 Brabus
18x8.5 34 235/40R18 18x9.5 40 255/35R18 Brabus
18x8.5 34 235/40R18 18x9.5 40 265/35R18 Brabus

19x8.5 35 225/35R19 19x8.5 40 255/30R19 Brabus
19x8.5 40 235/35R19 19x9.5 40 255/30R19 Brabus
19x8.5 34 225/35R19 19x8.5 38 225/30R19 Brabus
19x8.5 40 235/35R19 19x9.5 40 255/30R19 Brabus
19x8.5 40 235/35R19 19x9.5 40 265/30R19 Brabus
19x8.5 35 225/35R19 19x8.5 40 255/30R19 Brabus
19x8.5 40 235/35R19 19x9.5 40 255/30R19 Brabus
19x8.5 40 235/35R19 19x9.5 40 265/30R19 Brabus
19x8.5 34 225/35R19 19x8.5 38 255/30R19 Brabus
19x8.5 40 235/35R19 19x9.5 40 255/30R19 Brabus
19x8.5 40 235/35R19 19x9.5 40 265/30R19 Brabus

20x8.5 35 235/30R20 20x9.5 45 275/25R20 Brabus
20x9 40 235/30R20 20x9.5 45 275/25R20 Brabus

Cleaning main monitors

Ensure your Mercedes has at least 1/4 to 3/4 tank of gas.
An empty or full gas tank will not allow the EVAP monitor to run.
Also begin the drive cycle from a cold start; best achieved by leaving your vehicle sitting overnight.
The drive cycle will not run if the check engine light is on or illuminated.

1. Air Injection Monitor

- From a cold start, start engine and while the vehicle is in Park, accelerate engine speed to 1400 rpm.
Ensure A/C system is off and the engine has no load (all lighting, radio, and defroster should be off).
- Allow engine temperature to reach 70°C-94°C. This temperature range should be achieved when your car's temp gauge shows near the middle (normal operating temp).
- Increase idle speed to 1400 rpm and maintain for 7 minutes.
- Return engine speed to idle (off throttle) for 6 seconds.
- Turn the ignition OFF.
- Wait 10 seconds and repeat this step.

2. Sensor Heater Monitor

- Start engine and with transmission in Park and no load applied, increase engine speed to between 2,000 to 2,500 RPM and maintain this RPM for 2 minutes.
Keep RPM steady at which ever range you've chosen (between 2,000 and 2,500).
- After 2 minutes, reduce engine speed to idle and run engine with no load applied for 6 minutes.

3. Oxygen Sensor Monitor

- Begin driving. Accelerate to 70 km/h and hold speed for 3 minutes.

4. Catalyst Monitor

- Increase speed to between 80-90 km/h and continue driving for 3 minutes.
- Bring the vehicle to a stop and place transmission in Park.
- Idle engine with no load for 3 minutes.

5. EGR Monitor

- Place vehicle in Drive and (D position) and accelerate smoothly up to 2000 rpm. Monitoring MPH at this point is not necessary.
It is only necessary that you maintain required engine RPMs while your Mercedes is moving.
After engine speed reaches 2000 rpms, decelerate smoothly back down to 1100 rpm.
- Stop vehicle. Place transmission in Park. Wait 10 seconds and repeat this step.

6. Fuel System EVAP Monitor

- Ensure the fuel tank level is between 1/4 and 3/4 full.
- Ensure engine temperature less than 100°C.
- With the transmission in Park position, start and idle engine for 20 minutes.
Ensure there is no load. A/C, radio, lighting, and defroster must be off.
- After 20 minutes, turn engine and ignition OFF.
- Wait 10 seconds and repeat this step.

7. Drive Cycle End

- Perform Steps 1 through 6 again.

Tips and hints
How to resynchronize a key

- Step in.
- Close the doors.
- Insert key.
- Put in position 2.
- Press twice on opening or closing button.
- Remove the key.
- Return to position 2 without pressing the buttons .
- Remove the key.

Procedure after installing new battery

- Insert and put key in position 2 without starting.
- Accelerate fully, and stay like this for 10s.
- Switch off without releasing the accelerator.
- Release the accelerator.
- Wait a good minute before restarting.

Becker Map Pilot
Fix up an access files issue

You have installed Becker Content Manager and it doesn't find your BMP.
Here is how to fix it up :
- Uninstall the manager.
- Eject all usb devices.
- Plug in the BMP and wait for Windows setting up drivers.
- When the dialog box appears, double-click over Setup.exe.
- Becker Content Manager of the BMP will install and, then, all files and directories are seen.

Fix up a non-official maps update issue

First, make a backup of the whole files and directories on your computer.
Overwrite all older files of the BMP, but keep your previous Navi settings, thus you 'll keep your last records and avoid the unlock code error message.
Don't forget your sound files if you modified the genuine ones.
Set the 2 files : device.xml and device.xmlt read only, either you'll get an error message "Unlock code unavailable".
If, despite everything, you got the same error message, you could solve formating the partition, then pasting directories and files again.

Carplay Android Auto

How to Install CARPLAY Android Auto in any BECKER Mercedes NTG45, get to K-Tech or Motive Supplies.

Module Android auto

Module Android auto

otherwise, dismantle a part of the dashboard

Module Android auto

K40 relay

Here is a link showing how to dissassembly, check out and repair this relay, source of many issues : PelicanParts.

Code autoradio

You have lost your car radio code after battery unplug ? Go to code-autoradio.
You just need the 4 last digits of your car serial number.

Codes OBD

A file (in French) relating to OBD PID, where abbreviations are described.
No error codes detailed.


A Wash and Wax product to use without water: Meguiars D11501.
Dilute 1/4 if the vehicle is in the shade or 1/20 if it is in the sun.

Meguiars D11501

A very efficient cleaning dashboard : Poorboy Natural Look.

Poorboy Natural Look

Warning symbols


• SLKworld


• The development and testing of the new SLK.

• Gearbox 9G-tronic hybrid.


• Diesel Motor OM651.
from Mercedes


• Hidden menu.

Engineering Mode

• Servicing air filter.

Air filter

• Servicing diesel oil filter.

diesel oil filter

• Lubricate roof seals.

Roof seals


  1. Thursday May 12th, 2022 10:30
    GROUX wrote :


    Bonjour,avez-vous le manuel de la SLK 200 essence merci.

    • Thursday May 12th, 2022 10:30
      JPM wrote :


      Non, désolé. Vous pouvez trouver toutes ces infos ici :

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