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Reunion Island


July 2006

There is a direct flight from Lyon to La Reunion but what a drag! Corsair cancels its flight at the last moment and redirects with Air France via Paris. OK, but I've got a problem : Air France 's database doesn't know me, and they don't want me to go onboard. A member of Corsair 's staff is managing 80 persons concerned whom I belong to. After all, Air France from Lyon was so kind to allow me to go onboard just 5min before taking off. The problem was fixed up during the flight to Paris. Phew!

I discovered this french island during 3 weeks at the beginning of July 2006 lodging in a family.
Food, although not very varied, is excellent. But I 'd had enough of compact rice ...

Sceneries are great and if you enjoy trekking it's ideal. Very impressive to move inside cirques and on slope of active volcano. Flora is luxuriant : it was southern winter. South East is the part I love the best. You could see long tail birds ( Paille en Queue ) close to Pont d'Est.

Have a look at this animation.

On the other hand, what a hell driving on coastal road ! Always traffic jam. As soon as you drive to the highs, roads are twisting. Worst than in French Alps.

Funny to see show-off people during evening driving their customized car and arrogance of Malbars walking in the streets. Basically, people are sweet although white people are not welcomed. (racism?) Even natives of island who worked in France, going back to settle, share the same trouble. I'd only 3 weeks trying to make up my mind. Not enough.

Alcohol has devastating effects. I saw the outcome for a friend I lost sight for many years.

Besides, relationship between White man and Creole woman gives rise to derisive smiles. Jealousy ?


  1. Monday January 16th, 2012 17:57
    Carole974 wrote :


    Bonjour, Je suis tombée de fil en aiguille sur votre blog car je recherchais des astuces pour blackberry... et je me suis décidée de lire un peu ce que vous écrivez. Originaire de la Réunion, votre post m'a interpellé concernant votre séjour dans l'ile... depuis 2006 avez vous tenté de revenir?

    • Monday January 16th, 2012 17:57
      JPM wrote :


      Je ne suis pas retourné dans l'ile Bourbon depuis, mais plutôt à l'ile Maurice. Il y a tellement d'iles à visiter , de coutumes et de gens à connaître, notamment aux Antilles.

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